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Save Your Church Money Blog
Church Furniture
George Kreger

Fire Ratings for Church Chairs and Church Furniture

“We have a problem,” said the church pastor across our phone line.  “The Fire Marshall was just here for our inspection as we’re trying to obtain the occupancy permit for our new building.  He asked to see our letter of certification for our new church chairs.  We don’t have one!  How can we get one?”   We were able to help

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Save Your Church Money Blog
Church Furniture
George Kreger

The Dirty Truth: Low Price Guarantees on Church Furnishings

At Church Furniture Partner, we have effectively positioned ourselves to provide churches with the lowest possible prices on almost every possible item of church furniture.  The purpose of this article is not to explain how we are able to accomplish this, nor is it to convince you we actually are able to achieve what we claim.  Rather our desire is

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Save Your Church Money Blog
Church Furniture
George Kreger

Review: Ghent Spectra Magnetic Markerboards for Your Church

Whiteboards (markerboards) come not only in many sizes, but they also come in three basic categories.  The least expensive have a melamine surface.  The most expensive have a porcelain surface.  But in between these two levels are whiteboards that will provide you with significantly better performance than melamine while at the same time saving your church substantial dollars over porcelain.

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Save Your Church Money Blog
Church Furniture
George Kreger

Review: Southern Aluminum Linenless Tables for Churches

A couple of years ago a colleague used a term that I had never heard before.  He was sharing with me about a particular table that was being placed throughout the Hospitality Industry, and he described these tables as being “linenless”.  While the term is somewhat self-explanatory, I asked him to share some further details with me.  We had literally

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Save Your Church Money Blog
Church Furniture
George Kreger

Toddler Tables and Your Church Nursery?

Several years ago a customer asked us about a specific item of church furniture she referred to as a “Toddler Table”.  At that time as a company we were just beginning to serve churches across the country.  When I asked her to describe what this particular table looked like, her response was something like, “They’re great!  The toddlers sit in

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Save Your Church Money Blog
Church Furniture
George Kreger

Jonti-Craft Children’s Chairs and Activity Tables Sale

During every calendar year, Jonti-Craft provides spectacular pricing on their Rainbow Accent line of children’s activity tables and their complementary line of Berries Chairs during a special sale.  Actually, each month Jonti-Craft will feature select items from their vast assortment of products, and when that happens, churches are able to save significant dollars.  However, one of our low points at

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