The question has been asked in different ways, but its primary gist has been, “How can Church Furniture Partner sell furnishings for less than such major dealers like Bizchair, School Outfitters and Worthington Direct?” Our recent articles (#1 here, #2 here and #3 here) demonstrating how Church Furniture Partner can save your church and/or organization significant dollars on furnishings have generated a lot of interest and produced this primary question for us at Church Furniture Partner.
I think this question a very natural one that may occur to anyone reading our price comparison articles. In our culture, there tends to be a common assumption that “bigger means better”. There’s often the belief in purchasing decisions that very large companies will have the lowest prices because they’re so huge and therefore they MUST have the ability to sell for less. As our three previous articles make obvious though, this is flawed thinking!
So how do we at Church Furniture Partner regularly undersell such prominent, major dealers? The following list is far from exhaustive, but here are three very basic and simple reasons we’re able to save you dollars most of the time on your furnishing purchases.
- The first is low our overhead. The companies listed above, as well as other similar ones, most often have sizable costs in buildings and facilities, numerous employees, data processing, marketing, technology, etc. that we simply choose not to incur at CFP. Such expenses we believe will encumber our ability to save you money versus enhance it. Our team at CFP is made up of pastors and others who derive their primary income outside of the furnishing industry and thus are able to be involved in our ministry with very little compensation.
- The second is our low margin. At Church Furniture Partner, because of our desire to come alongside churches and other organizations to enhance their ministries, we are willing to work with very low margins. It is not unusual at all for us to sell just over our cost compared to the significant mark-up that most dealers need to charge.
- The third is our choice. The bottom line is that others COULD do what we do but choose not to for a variety of reasons. From our beginning as a part of the Save Your Church Money Network, we have made the choice to save churches dollars on all their church furnishing purchases. We have been in pastoral ministry for decades, we understand the challenge of furnishing well and with quality, and we have a passion to assist churches in being able to do so!
We would love to help your church save money on any and all church furniture and furnishings. Please be sure and contact us to see just what we can for your church! You’ll be glad you did!