It is hard to put into words the spiritual impact of a pilgrimage to what the Bible calls, “the Holy Land” (Zechariah 2:12).  The same is true of a visit to Jerusalem which the Bible identifies as the “center of the world” (Ezekiel 5:5).  One person has put it this way: “A pilgrimage to the Holy Land converts the Bible from black and white to technicolor.”  One thing is sure — you will return home with a greatly increased understanding and appreciation for your spiritual heritage.

Date: November 5, 2023 – November 15, 2023

Length: 12 days and 10 nights.

Leader: George Kreger

Co-Leader: Tim Hughes

Registration Deadline: Limited to the first 46 people who register.

Cost: The cost is estimated at $4250.00 per person.  This cost includes ten nights in 4 or 5 Star hotels, all breakfasts and dinners, entrance fees, guide fees and bus transportation, medical trip insurance and all tips.

The cost does not include lunches, drinks, souvenirs, and your activities on your free day (our Jeep desert trip for those going will be $125.00 or so).  A single room is $1,350.00 additional.  $500 deposit will be due at the time of registration.  Each participant will also will purchase their own airfare.  See the Details Tab for expanded information regarding our trip.