Help us help the Church.

Please take a moment and read this page...

You're on this page because you've worked with us.

During that time, we hope you've noticed that we do things a little differently.​​

In a world where online shopping can often feel impersonal and transactional, we’re committed to creating meaningful relationships.  Our mission?  To support the Church, not just to turn a profit.  If you’ve enjoyed your experience with us, that’s exactly what we aim for!

A key aspect of our keeping our commitment to saving churches on furnishings is maintaining low overhead costs.  This approach means we don’t spend your funds on expensive advertising campaigns.  We’re not advertising on Google, Facebook, YouTube, or other major marketing platforms.  This decision helps keep our costs down, but it also means we rely on you to spread the word about our work.

You play a crucial role in our journey.  By sharing your experiences, you help us connect with more churches in need of our services.  On this page, you’ll find easy ways to share your story and support our mission.

A simple Google review really helps, and a Facebook post tagging us (@SaveYourChurchMoney) with photos of your new furnishings can make a tremendous difference.  These small actions can inspire and show other churches the transformative impact of quality church furnishings – while encouraging them to save time and money with us.

We also understand the value of your recommendation and have created a simple program to bless you as you bless us and the Church by referring others to our service.  For each new customer you refer to us, we will email you a $50 Amazon gift card.  It is our way of saying “thank you” for your recommedation.

Below, you will find links to leave a reviewpost on Facebook and other social media platforms, and obtain a referral code.  This code enables you to earn Amazon gift cards for your recommendations.  Thank you for taking the time to read this page and we hope you will join us on our mission to save churches money by using the links below.