Versare Partitions and Portable Room Dividers with FREE Shipping

Partitions and Room Dividers
Partitions and Room Dividers

Versare Portable Room Divider

Save Your Church Money is now providing churches the full and complete line of Versare Partitions and Portable Room Dividers.  For almost two decades now, we have primarily recommended to churches the ScreenFlex line of partitions and portable room dividers which is a great quality line.  However, we have found Versare’s product line to possess a very similar quality level, while making it possible for churches to save even more dollars.  Since saving churches money on church furnishings is our driving mission, we have added Versare products to better help us accomplish that mission.

If your church has a need for portable room dividers, we would love to assist you in saving money!  As always, we have chosen not to invest significant dollars in marketing, advertising, eCommerce sites that cost to develop and maintain, etc.  If you wish to save, just contact us, let us know what you need, and we’ll provide you our lowest price right from the outset!  It is as simple as that!