Steffywood Products is one of our favorite manufacturers! Located in Angola, Indiana not far from Church Furniture Partner’s home offices, Steffy Wood’s Product Line is one that has become a favorite for churches across the country. Steffy Wood focuses on the Early Childhood Furniture Market and produces their entire product line the United States.
The Product Line of Steffywood Products includes Classroom Chairs and Tables, Book Storage, Kitchen Sets, Changing Tables, Storage Solutions, Lockers, Dramatic Play, etc. If you are outfitting an early childhood area, whether in your church or another environment, we at Church Furniture Partner highly recommend the entire Steffy Wood Line from a quality and value perspective.
At Church Furniture Partner, we are committed to providing your the lowest prices on the entire Steffywood Line. We list many of their best sellers on our website and with a simple quote request, we’ll be glad to supply you pricing on any and all Steffywood needs you might have. If you have questions, please contact us. We’d love to help you save dollars on Steffywood Products!