The context of how people in america absorb media is always changing. There is no longer one box in the middle of every one’s home that brings us the news, entertainment and weather report. There are Iphones, Ipads, droids, bots, tubes and a whole bunch of other devices and websites that now deliver streaming content in realtime, and most of it is powered by video.
For the better or the worse this has created a culture of people that love, and often times need video to engage.
Google around, the stats are staggering. And, if your church is not providing new or existing members with video content, you are neglecting a huge evangelizing tool.
Here are a few of the ways Anchored Art is providing video content for churches:
• Vision // Welcome message
• Sermon Bumpers
• Sermon Wrap-ups (web driven video recapping longer 8-10 week sermon series)
• Major announments (church wide service projects, major changes or funding drives)
Anchored Art is capable of delivering fast turn-arounds for custom video throughout the US. We offer affordable solutions that can be used in church, on the web, and delivered via email and DVD. Now through April 1 Anchored Art is offering 10% off video production for US based churches. Mention this offer when contacting us!