Hi! I’m George Kreger. During a ministry that spanned four decades as Lead Pastor of New Hope Community Church in Bryan, OH, I led six major building projects to accommodate our growth. My personal commitment was to always build debt-free! One of the ten strategies I developed to fulfill this commitment was starting a company, so I could save MY church money on all needed furnishings. I remember well that first purchase of 1,000 chairs that saved New Hope a tremendous amount of dollars.
Well, it was not long after that pastor friends began asking me to help their churches save on furnishings, and I began saving THEIR churches money as well.
Now 14 years after that first 1000 chair purchase, and with New Hope Community Church now turned over to my successor as Lead Pastor, I enjoy saving YOUR churches money on all your furnishings.
Since you’re reading this, you now KNOW about us which puts you ahead of most! The next step is simply to call us or email us, so we can get started!
How do We Save Your Church Money on Furnishings?
We Keep Our Overhead as Close to Zero as Possible!
I reject expensive catalogs, advertising, credit card fees, shopping cart systems, buildings, offices and inventories. When a search engine tells me that if I give them $6.50 per click for the term “church chairs” we can come up first for that search, that is a non-starter.
We Build & Maintain Trusted Relationship with You!
I led several major building projects. Perhaps nothing saved me more time, effort and expense over the course of those projects than the relationships I developed and could trust as each new project took place. Now we save that time, effort and expense for churches across the country!
We Know What Works & Lasts for Churches!
I have 14 years of experience and 200+ manufacturers/suppliers that have asked our ministry to represent them to churches. I know what works best in your unique church environment and who really stands behind their products. Don’t end up having the added expense of a dumpster because of a poor furnishings purchase!
We Keep SYCM a Church-Focused Ministry!
God blessed me with the privilege of being Lead Pastor spanning four decades at New Hope Community Church. I do not need a business at this point in my life! But I do need a purpose going forward and assisting christian churches in this unique manner is a blessing to me every day; I love helping churches!
Call Us and Let Us Help Your Church - 419.636.3104
How Does our Process Flesh Out for Churches?